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2020-04-01 11:07:50

Classification according to drive type: home elevators are generally divided into three categories: traction drive, screw drive and hydraulic drive.


Traction elevator: The traction elevator relies on the traction machine (that is, the main engine) to exert a little force (similar to a moving pulley), and hauls the car up and down and back and forth.

Advantages: mature and reliable, quiet and stable, long life, economical price disadvantages: high requirements for civil construction, complicated installation


screw elevator: similar to a bolt and nut, the motor drives the nut to connect the car platform along a bottom to top The screw moves up and down.

Advantages: small footprint, low civil requirements, convenient and fast installation. Disadvantages: noisy, slower.


Hydraulic elevator: press the oil into the cylinder to make the plunger move linearly (refer to hydraulic jack), directly or indirectly through the wire rope. Elevator with car movement.

Advantages: Civil construction requirements

Disadvantages: Noise is large, and there is a hidden danger of oil leakage.


In the case of sufficient shaft size, the preferred is a traction elevator. The traction elevator has high safety, quiet and stable, energy saving and environmental protection, and is also a mainstream product now. It is a relatively high requirement for civil construction and a relatively large shaft utilization rate; screw elevators are suitable for units with limited shaft sizes. The safety is also high, but the disadvantages are: a certain amount of motor noise, oil leaks to some extent, heavy oil pollution, and less companies is producing.

Home elevator; villa elevator; home elevator lift; home lift; mini home lift