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2020-04-23 15:50:52

1. Safety always comes first.


Because the home elevator purchased by the owner is provided by an elevator company, the project design, product installation, and after-sale maintenance are all in one service. All the information is in the hands of the elevator company, and the safety and reliability of the home elevator can only be determined by the elevator installation company. The state has a professional department for the safety of commercial elevators that can be put into use after regular inspection and acceptance, and regular maintenance. However, there is no such mandatory rule for villa elevators. In particular, there are d0cuments stating that elevators below 320KG are regarded as "devices free of group harm", so that no one will conduct safety tests.




The second is to use safely. The home elevator car moves up and down, and the elevator doors move left and right. When using it, the home elevator door must be opened, and the car can enter and exit at the corresponding number of floors. This requires the installation of an electromechanical interlocking function to ensure absolute safety. The electromechanical interlock function can also ensure that regardless of the manual door or electric door, the elevator door is opened when the car is not on this floor.




The last step is to consider the emergency telephone number and self-rescue procedures of the home elevator. The emergency contact number needs to be dialed out to rescue with a wired telephone, which can be a property monitoring room, etc .; and the self-rescue program can allow the home elevator to start the self-rescue program when the program goes wrong, ensuring that the elevator is safe and stable to the nearest floor.




Second, humanized design, compulsory to meet the use of wheelchairs.


Due to the limited elevator shaft space in some villas, the actual space in the car is generally 0.8-1.6 square meters. According to ergonomics and wheelchair dimensions (width 68 cm), the minimum width is not less than 0.7 meters and the minimum depth is not less than 1 meter.




The home elevator floors of villas are generally not higher than the fifth floor, and the third and fourth floors are mostly used by the elderly, children and people with reduced mobility, so the running speed should not be too fast, generally controlled at 0.3-0.4 meters / second. The design speed of this home elevator is 0.4m / s.




In the earliest times, home elevators were all mechanized and noisy. Now home elevators are very quiet. However, the home elevator is installed in a home close to the living room and other spaces. The noise must be considered humanized. Normal use of the home elevator needs to ensure that the motor noise does not affect normal life.




At the same time, energy consumption is also very important. The energy consumption of the home elevator should be low. It is not common to buy an home elevator. In order to save electricity! Home elevators have a small load capacity and a small load. A conventional 220V power supply is sufficient.




3. Maintenance is indispensable.


When many elevator companies sell their own elevators, they lower the sales price to obtain customers. This will result in the late maintenance services not even keeping up with free maintenance, and long-term maintenance costs may be very high. However, regular inspection and maintenance are indispensable, so regular elevator companies are more expensive, but it is still worthwhile in the long run.




Fourth, the details.


1. Hoistway elevator installation, the home elevator installation position is vertical from top to bottom. Whether it is a civil hoistway or a reserved elevator door position, make sure that the installation is perpendicular to a line. Therefore, the verticality of the civil wall and the verticality of the car frame after installation must be checked before installation.




2. The home elevator should be installed sooner rather than later. The installation of the home elevator belongs to concealed engineering pre-buried. However, it should be considered that the car surface and the ground should be kept level during later use. The home elevator car is kept level with the ground finish when it is installed.




3. The height of the home elevator car itself needs to correspond to the size reserved for civil engineering. Three main dimensions are considered here: pit height, top layer height, and host installation height. The bottom pit needs to be at least 35 cm deep. If there is no bottom pit, it needs to be lifted up. Two steps can be made. The height of the top floor refers to the minimum safety dimension reserved for the car with the host at the highest floor. The car is generally about 2.2 meters, and the size of the top floor can be higher than 2.6 meters. The installation size of the host is to ensure the minimum size of the host installation, generally 0.4 meters.




4. The bottom pit should be waterproofed to ensure that there is no water leakage. Generally, the bottom pit is lower than the lowest floor of the bottom of the villa. The groundwater of the villa is more complicated. In the prefabricated bottom pit of the civil construction, it is best to pour a box shape to ensure that the bottom pit will never seep. The pit should be convenient for maintenance personnel to enter and exit. If it is too high, a step ladder should be added to facilitate access.




5. The elevator track frame is fixed on the wall of the hoistway, so the wall of the hoistway needs to be poured with concrete or concrete ring beams to ensure that the track frame is firmly installed. The depth of the expansion screw of the mounting rail frame is greater than two centimeters of the radius of the concrete beam before it can be firmly installed.




6. Home Elevator shaft walls, pits and roofs need to be equipped with long lights. Make sure to see the position of the car during maintenance and inspection. Set the pit to the ground and the top lamp to be no less than 0.5 meters away from the top, and set the distance between the normally lit lamps to be no more than 5 meters.




7. The home elevator shaft is only used for elevator installation. All other equipment like pipes or cables are prohibited to be installed and laid in the shaft.